Natural hormone solutions during perimenopause

Mood swings, hot flashes, fatigue. The frustrating symptoms of perimenopause can significantly disrupt your life.  You don't have to suffer needlessly during this change of life. And you are not alone.

Often, in perimenopause everything feels out of whack. Our patients often report that they just don’t feel like themselves. They are often depressed or angry because their body hurts or they are exhausted all of the time. Anxiety can creep in, partially due to hormone shifts, but also because women in perimenopause don’t know what they will feel like each day ?

The good news is, acupuncture and natural medicine offer drug-free ways to gently restore balance and reliably calm perimenopausal symptoms.

Chinese medicine sees perimenopause as more than just a decline in hormones. It is seen as a shift in the delicate balance between yin and yang energies.  By identifying these deeper energetic imbalances, your practitioner can help mitigate a lot of the symptoms that leave you feeling tired, wired, hot, in pain and irritated.  Customized treatments reestablish balance, increase circulation, decrease stress levels and smooth out other physiological processes to diminish unpleasant symptoms.   

At Meadow Hill, we recognize that each patient’s experience with perimenopause is unique. We craft a treatment plan to consider your specific symptoms, overall health and lifestyle.

The individualized care you will receive will be the most effective and tailored support out there. While hot flashes or fatigue may be your primary complaint, many patients also report improvements in sleep quality, mood stability, digestive complaints and more. Most of our patients would agree that they experience an enhanced overall sense of well being.

Contact us today to see how we can help ease your transition. Customized wellness plans address the unique imbalances behind YOUR menopausal symptoms for optimal comfort and health


Gut and hormone health connection for women.